Sunday 8 August 2021

Bosnia and Herzegovina: beyond the war.

When I saw that Bosnia and Herzegovina was next up on the list of countries I would visit from my sofa, all that came to mind was the war in the 1990s and Miss Sarajevo, a war protest song by U2 and Luciano Pavarotti.

While any place is more than its wars and its conflicts, those wars and conflicts are part of that place's current context. The first 10 minutes of this BBC travel show showcase Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, since that war took place more than 25 years ago. The 1984 Winter Olympics were held in Sarajevo and the luge chute that was used as a hiding place during the war is now a place where people can seek thrills on bicycles. The Holiday Inn where journalists who covered the war stayed has been restored -- and still shines from the humanity of the people who worked there during the war.

Go to Sarajevo -- not only to see what happened to the "Jerusalem of Europe" -- but to discover the soul of a place that has been ground zero for the thrill of victory...and the agony of defeat.

Burkina Faso: celebrating African filmmaking.

Since 1969, Burkina Faso has been home to the  Pan-African Film & TV Festival of Ouagadougou, or FESPACO for short. This biennial event ...