Sunday 23 January 2022

Bulgaria: fire walking to honor great saints.

The fire walk is not unique to Bulgaria. In fact, many cultures embrace some form of it, usually as a rite of passage or as a means to test courage. But not in Bulgaria.

While the exact origin of fire walking in Bulgaria is unknown, it is a celebrated way to honor Saints Constantine and Helena. Saint Constantine is the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity and the fire walk that is performed on June 3 celebrates that conversion. Known in Bulgaria as Nestinari, this holiday includes a parade featuring icons of Saints Constantine and Helena and lighting of candles where the icons are displayed.

Those who walk on fire on Nestinari are said to be purified and become more fertile after the ritual. Interestingly, most of the videos I watched of Nestinari feature more men than women. I am not making any judgments, just an observation...


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