Sunday 30 May 2021

Belarus: backstage at the Bolshoi Ballet.

Attending a ballet performance can transport you to a world of fantasy. Think The Nutcracker. Think Swan Lake. Think The Little Prince. 

While the stage is where the audience gets transported, backstage is where the dancers and set gets transformed. In this five minute video, you can accompany travel vlogger Eileen Aldis backstage at the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre of Minsk where all the magic happens, where costumes come alive, sets become real, and dancers metamorphose into characters from the famous stories of our childhood.

In addition to being the venue for some magnificent storytelling, the Bolshoi Ballet of Minsk is the stuff of legends. It survived World War II, even though it was hit by a undetonated bomb. The theatre is covered with gold inlay and if you look close, you can spy the telltale Soviet sickle and hammer. The statues adorning the top of the building look as though they have been there for generations -- but they are actually a relatively new addition.

This video will have you wanting to hustle back to the ballet.


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